About Me

Hi, I'm Vamp and I am one cat who enjoys everything about computers. I like to listen to Mrs. Sol's online lessons in Class Connect. I also like creating things like this blog. Luckily, I can type fairly well for only having four tiny fingers on each paw.

When no one is looking, I like to take naps on the computer keyboard.  The only thing I don't like about my computer is the mouse. Why call it a mouse, when it tastes and behaves nothing like a mouse?

You may notice that my posts are not written in human language. This blog was created for people of the furry fanged variety. Therefore, it is written in feline-ese.


My Story
I have been around for about 13 years now. I was born in North Carolina in 2000. One humid summer evening, Mr. and Mrs. Sol pulled into the driveway and spotted something hanging around their garbage can. That was me. I was a hungry kitten looking for food. They took me in and the rest is history.

Why the name Vamp? Well, when I was a kitten, I had a tiny head and giant ears. People thought I looked like a vampire bat, So Mr. Sol named me Buffy the Vampire Sol. Eventually, it was shortened to Vamp. Here is a picture of me with my oversized ears (the better to hear you with, my dear).

It didn't take me too long to discover the computer. Back then, computer monitors were the perfect size  for cats to lay on. I loved to climb up on the computer and play with that little arrow on the screen whenever it appeared.

Imagine my excitement when Mrs. Sol decided to teach online school! Tons of warm keyboard time! I quickly discovered the fun of Class Connect sessions. I could actually learn right along with the students and even chat with them! 

When I'm not "on the computer" I enjoy chasing imaginary bugs, giving back massages, laying in the sun, hunting birds and hanging out with my family. 

I hope you enjoy my blog and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh Vamp. You've come along way! Your own Blog? You are a celebrity now.

  2. I Love you Vamp!! You're a cute kitty! All hail king Vamp!!!

  3. Vamp is a lovely tabby-ish cat.


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